How do you like to celebrate fall? Do you don your favorite sweater and eat hot cider donuts at the pumpkin patch? Do you take a leisurely hike through the foliage covered Blue Ridge Mountains? Do you secretly wish to take a goat home with you every time you stop by a petting zoo (it’s okay- I won’t judge)? 

However you enjoy the season- I’ve got you covered with a variety of thrilling ways to partake in the autumn festivities and relish in the stunning fall foliage! 

Pumpkins & Petting Zoos

It’s hard to think about fall without thinking about pumpkin patches, petting zoos, and hayrack rides. These picks are prime spots for finding your perfect jack-o-lantern or befriending a farm animal or two! 




Take Hikes & See the Sights

Looking to get a little more immersed in nature? These hikes and landmarks have absolutely stunning fall views perfect for taking in the changing of the leaves! 

Wineries, Breweries, & Ciders

Fall is prime time to get outside and relax with a glass or mug of your favorite fall beverage! Check out these fan favorite spots nestled in gorgeous scenery.


Enjoy an Exciting Fall Adventure

Change up your fall festivity routine and check out these unique, heart-pumping ways to take in the seasonal foliage! 

Whether you’re admiring the fall landscape from a train, or you’d rather opt for a cozy moment in the country with a glass of wine or cider, I hope you and your loved ones are able to enjoy all of the exciting experiences that autumn has to offer!